Meier, Dominik, Ipek Ensari, and Stefan Konigorski. “Designing and Evaluating an Online Reinforcement Learning Agent for Physical Exercise Recommendations in N-of-1 Trials.” In Proceedings of the 3rd Machine Learning for Health Symposium, 340–52. PMLR, 2023.
Braun, Tom, Ben Hurdelhey, Dominik Meier, Petr Tsayun, Christopher Hagedorn, Johannes Huegle, and Rainer Schlosser. “GPUCSL: GPU-Based Library for Causal Structure Learning.” In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), 1236–39, 2022.
Kovacs, Robert, Lukas Rambold, Lukas Fritzsche, Dominik Meier, Jotaro Shigeyama, Shohei Katakura, Ran Zhang, and Patrick Baudisch. “Trusscillator: A System for Fabricating Human-Scale Human-Powered Oscillating Devices.” In The 34th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 1074–88. Virtual Event USA: ACM, 2021.
Roumen, Thijs, Ingo Apel, Thomas Kern, Martin Taraz, Ritesh Sharma, Ole Schlueter, Jeffrey Johnson, Dominik Meier, Conrad Lempert, and Patrick Baudisch. “Structure-Preserving Editing of Plates and Volumes for Laser Cutting.” In Symposium on Computational Fabrication, 1–12. Seattle WA USA: ACM, 2022.
Meier, Dominik, Toni Mattis, and Robert Hirschfeld. “Toward Exploratory Understanding of Software Using Test Suites.” In Companion Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming, 60–67. Cambridge United Kingdom: ACM, 2021.